Here's how you can place an order with us:
- Browse through our ample assortment to find the product(s) you need. You can either navigate through one of the categories in the header of our webshop, or use the magnifying glass in the top right corner to perform a search query.
- Add the product(s) to your cart and proceed to the check-out.
- Fill out your personal information. Do you have an account at Tintrio? Great! Then you can simply log in and have everything already filled out for you. No account yet? No worries, you can still create one while ordering. Please note it is also possible to place an order as a guest.
- Select the shipping and payment method of your choice.
- Accept our general terms and conditions and place your order! It's as simple as that! :)
Ordering a custom colour paint? Do not forget to fill out the colour code! Here's more information on how to find the right colour and its colour code.