Contact us
Customer Service
You can reach us by phone during the following hours:
You can also send us a message via WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram. We will try to help you as soon as possible.
Service point
At our service point you can get advice on products or colours. This is also our pick-up point:
Have you chosen to pick up your order? You will receive an email from us when your order is ready. You can always call us to check if we have (already) received your product(s).
Zavelstraat 7
9190 Stekene
Our socials

Tintrio is part of Schilderwerken-Binnenhuisinrichting De Witte bv, VAT reg. no. BE.0428.644.582, RPR Dendermonde, bank account KBC IBAN BE35 7360 1316 0237 - BIC KREDBEBB.